Ranch & Rodeo

Tanner Green

Cotulla, Texas


For Tanner Green, living up to his family name is a hell of an ask — but he’s not intimidated one bit. As the grandson of the legendary, all-around World Champion Phil Lyne, it’s in his blood to go for the gold, in fact, he already has. With grueling training and arguably the toughest grandpa out there in his corner, he’s already gone on to win the 2018 Resistol Rookie of the Year title in the PRCA, proving he’s more than ready to blaze a trail of his own.
What goes through your head when you first wake up in the morning?
How many horses am I going to to ride today.
How do you up your game year after year?
Practice and try harder.
If you could do anything better what would it be?
Up my winning.
Who are your heroes? Who do you look up to?
Phil Lyne is my grandfather. I try to be as good as him.
What haven’t you accomplished that you aspire to do in your lifetime?
Win multiple gold buckles.
If there is any love-hate relationship with any aspect of what you do, can you describe what that is?
I love rodeoing but I hate getting beat up.
What are the 3 most essential things you need for your category?
Horse, rope, and spurs.
What would be your day job if you weren’t doing what you currently doing?
Working cattle, hunting hogs, or guiding deer hunts.